Monday 19 December 2011

#MedalMonday - 19th December 2011

Welcome to the last #MedalMonday of 2011.

Medal Monday is where we celebrate the victories of the parenting war. We say hurrah for days where we have won! Celebrate the little incidents where we came out on top.

To join in, enter the link to your blog post into the linky tool below. We will swing by, say hello, and congratulate you on being the wonderful, victorious parent that you are.


So this week will be our last of this year. We will see you back on the 9th January. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!


  1. Happy with anything that celebrates the triumph of sergeant major parents over the badly behaved ranks!

  2. Aw, you guys are the best! Thanks!

  3. PS: hugely impressed at trouble doubled's efforts at taking 5 month old twins swimming! Kudos!

  4. OK, I had to dig deep to find something I'm proud of at the moment. Have used one from the summer. Yay I didn't kill all the plants. I'm still amazed by this.

  5. ooops - just seen I can't spell though. Bum.

  6. Thanks for all your link ups this week people! Have a good Christmas and we'll see you in 2012.


Come on soldier! Tell us what you think.

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