
Friday 20 January 2012

#FailFriday - 20th January 2012

Last week was Friday the 13th. We were hoping that failure was no more an option than any other Friday, but noooooooooooooooo! We had more bloggers link up than ever before. Which is good. But not good.

First of all we had Here Come the Girls who had forgotten to rebook the swimming lessons, resulting in stress all round. Fail!

Oh Mammy! made a small mistake. Not a very big one really, but the effects even a small mistake can have when you have an autistic child are magnified. Read this and never take this parenting lark for granted again. I know I won't. A very reluctant - fail!!!

Along came Ghostwritermummy who made a complete arse out of herself in front of some perfectly nice, professional people. Fail! 

I've heard of talking crap, but never talking wee. Headspace Blog has and shows us the depths we plunge to in the name of parenting. Fail, fail, fail!

Lastly we had Cornish Blonde who did something all us parents have done at one time or another. Please go along and give her some support. So a lot of sympathy coming your way, however it is still a big, fat fail!!! Congratulations, you are this week's parade leader. I bet you are very pleased.

Anyway, the linky is open once again for all you parenting losers. Link up below, leave us a comment, and tweet us @ParentFrontLine.

Happy failing, losers!

1 comment:

  1. Mine worked out well in the end. My daughter loves her new teacher, possibly a bit too much, she keeps saying "I really really love him!"


Come on soldier! Tell us what you think.